Project Summary
The project aims to establish climate resilience among women and youth headed households in Baringo County. The project shall build the capacity of 216 farmers to implement farm forestry through the forest garden approach, hold a county level tree planting event and offer a graduation package of tree seedlings at the onset of the October-November-December (OND), 2022 rainfall cycle and leverage on the trained cohorts as mentors to an additional 648 (3 mentees for each of the 216 trained cohorts) farmers. It is envisaged that this project shall foster knowledge on farm forestry as a pathway to building resilience to climate change), improving household-level food and nutrition security, increasing agricultural and livestock production and productivity and improving household-level incomes.
Goals/Objectives and Outcomes
This project envisages women and youth beneficiaries with an expressed or self-evident interest in agroforestry. Women beneficiaries shall be from female-headed households whilst the youth shall comprise individuals between the ages of 18 and 35 years. For the trainings KENAFF shall reach 216 farmers, form each of the locations in Baringo County, and additional 648 farmers who shall be mentees of the 216 trained farmers. The project shall directly impact 864 farmers: 400 women from female-headed households; 232 young women and 232 young men (between the ages of 18 and 35).
Goals/Objectives and Outcomes
The proposed project’s development objective is to build the capacity of and support women and young farmers establish farm forestry in their farms; increase agricultural and livestock production and productivity; improve household-level incomes; and, enhance households’ climate resilience.
Expected results:
a) Capacities built among target women and youth farmers on farm forestry as a foundation of sustainable food production and contribution to achieving the country’s climate targets
b) Locally-appropriate farm forestry systems developed
c) Climate resilient agriculture practices adopted
d) Farm forestry models identified and their capacity in knowledge and practise built
e) Local-level farmer-friendly farm forestry manuals developed